SpoinkOS, The OS that rises to the challange

SpoinkOS - The New Way to Power up your projects

SpoinkOS is a lightweight, sleek, and developer-friendly operating system designed for laptops and PCs.

Key Features

Installation Guide

  1. Download the ISO image from the Internet Archive mirror.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive using your preferred tool (e.g., Rufus, Etcher).
  3. Boot your computer from the USB drive.
  4. Follow on-screen instructions to install SpoinkOS.
  5. (For Developers) To create a NixOS-Like deployment system, install the OS, then use CLCTool for deployment/config scripts; More info at CLCTool


Thank you for choosing SpoinkOS! Enjoy the power of a modern, developer-friendly operating system.



SpoinkOS embodies innovation and efficiency, delivering a seamless user experience.


"Spo-ink O-S" as in two words.

Legal Information

SpoinkOS is Public Domain and is managed by SpoinkOS Innovations.